Blog Industry Trends Social Media

How We’re Shaking Things Up at Noisy Trumpet After the Social Shake-Up

Social media constantly evolves and grows. As a Digital Marketing & PR agency, our duty is to be at the forefront of industry trends. This June, our social media team attended the Social Shake-Up Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. After absorbing every ounce of knowledge from leaders in the industry, we’ve listed the four biggest takeaways we plan to apply to our clients’ and agency social media strategies:

  • Creating Accessible Content

Accessibility on social media means someone with a disability, such as those who are blind or visually impaired, should be able to “access” and comprehend content as would someone without a disability. Creating accessible social content shows a brand’s commitment to inclusion and ensures that all people are able to interact with social posts, increasing reach and engagement opportunities. There are several ways to make social media posts more accessible such as including captions on video content, using alternative text on images, and capitalizing hashtags. These are just a few strategies to help all fans engage with a brand. At Noisy Trumpet, we aim to ensure our messages reach and resonate with every reader.

  • Leveraging User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) can be considered a digital version of word-of-mouth advertising and is one of the top-performing forms of organic social media content. Tapping into a brand’s audience and giving them a spotlight is an effective way of collecting and sharing authentic content that encourages increased engagement and conversation. In fact, UGC is 2.4x more engaging than standard content! Our team learned all about best practices for finding quality UGC and maximizing its use across social platforms from marketing professionals of Walmart and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Moving forward, we are eager to further implement the use of UGC to garner results for our clients in a cost-effective way.

  • Amplifying Video Content

Now more than ever, video content is being heavily prioritized on social media. Thus, brands need to know how to create said content in an efficient, multipurpose way to make the most of the time and effort that goes into producing videos. Our biggest takeaway from The Social Shake-Up was the importance of creating snackable video content that is able to quickly capture an audience’s attention. Best practices include:

  • Participating in trends in a timely, authentic manner 
  • Paying attention to framing based on which platform you are posting to 
  • Monetizing the potential for longer content through TikToks, Reels, YouTube videos, stories, and more

Video is king — the more you utilize this growing trend, the better your return. Our agency leverages a mix of video content to help build and maintain engagement.

  • Reshaping Influencer Strategy

Using influencer marketing is a great way to expand a brand’s reach on social media. It allows brands to promote their products or services through a trusted figure within a niche community, rather than doing so themselves. From professionals at Edible Arrangements and Holiday Inn Club Vacations, we learned how to functionally plan, prepare, and execute successful influencer marketing campaigns. Not only did we gain insight on fundamental processes  for identifying appropriate influencer partners based on a campaign’s goals, but also how to amplify and measure the results of influencer content. Noisy Trumpet utilizes influencers to promote client events, exhibitions, and raise awareness about impactful initiatives in combination with other marketing and PR initiatives.  We are excited to apply our learnings to future influencer marketing campaigns that raise brand awareness and build authority.

We have a vested interest in keeping our clients and agency at the top of the social game. By utilizing these, and many more key learnings from The Social Shake-Up, we aim to foster social engagement and reinvent content strategy to stay fresh and relevant in our quickly evolving digital landscape. Contact us today for help unleashing your organization’s full potential on social media!

Blog Industry Trends Social Media

A Look at TikTok Marketing Tactics

Since launching in 2018, TikTok has evolved from a video-creation app known mainly for dance and lip-sync videos, to a marketing and advertising hub. In the last year, many renowned brands have created accounts on the platform to tap into their creative side and reach new audiences. With more businesses turning to TikTok to market their brand, you should also consider whether or not TikTok is the next step for expanding your marketing strategy. 

Noisy Trumpet has recently welcomed Texas A&M University-San Antonio to our client roster. Our agency will be assisting TAMUSA primarily with their digital marketing needs in order to raise awareness about their graduate programs and 11 Month MBA program. One of the ways in which we’ll be achieving this is through TikTok. Here’s how our team of Social Media Specialists is making the most of TikTok for clients.


  • Trend Forecasting

Trend forecasting, as it relates to TikTok, is the process of researching and formulating predictions on up-and-coming content tendencies. The ability to spot future trends, especially on a platform as unpredictable and enigmatic as TikTok, is crucial for a brand’s potential success on the app. Although virality* on TikTok is never a sure thing, catching trends early and creating relevant content in a timely manner increases the likelihood of success. If you want to make the most out of your organization’s TikTok content, triggering off a trend is the first step towards doing so.


  • Developing Custom Content

TikTok is a perfect platform to showcase your brand’s creativity. Although seeking inspiration from trends is important, your content should be unique and customized to fit your brand identity. Whether that requires coordinating on-site video shoots with appropriate props or developing copy in line with your organization’s voice and tone, it is important that you keep your brand personality in mind when shooting content. Similarly, your content should also be intentional. It is not enough to “hop on a trend” — you must do so in a way that both fits your business and aligns with your goals.


  • TikTok Advertising

Reaching the right audience is essential to finding success on TikTok. Like any online platform, posting organically has its place, but giving your content a boost with paid advertising can help place your brand in front of the right audience. Pairing organic and paid content is a great way to pull together all of your resources to give your content a fair chance of success on this extremely popular and demanding platform. TikTok offers a variety of different creative ad formats to choose from, so always make sure that you are choosing the one that is best for your brand’s objectives.

Advertising Blog Industry Trends Social Media

5 Trends Digital Agencies Should Keep An Eye On In 2022 

As we adapt to life post-pandemic, trends are there by our side adapting with us. Whether it was TikTok giving us a laugh in dark times or your Instagram page persuading you to buy that dress, let’s face it, life 10 years ago has definitely evolved. And it’s only the beginning. In 2022, we expect digital trends to be bigger and better than ever. We breakdown the top five trends you can expect to see in the new year.

1. Social Commerce

Have you ever been influenced to buy something you see on social media with an easy “link in bio” or “swipe up” option to complete your purchase? Well, in 2022 you’re about to see an uptick in social commerce. Social media is a mainstream form of shopping and that will continue to grow in 2022. “Brands are estimated to spend up to $15 billion on influencer marketing by 2022,” according to a report by Business Insider. The report goes on to say, “As social media becomes more entrenched in people’s lives and takes on more functional uses beyond communication, like shopping, the role of influencers is set to only grow. And as e-commerce and social media converge, influencers will become increasingly vital intermediaries, helping to connect brands with consumers on social media in highly resonant, authentic ways that can deliver immediate returns.”  

  1. Facebook Algorithm Changes

As Facebook continues its overhaul of trying to repair its public image, the change will also include a makeover of its algorithm. According to the Wall Street Journal, in 2017 Facebook began to base their algorithm off of ‘Meaningful Social Interactions” or MSI. The ‘MSI’ is measured by the interaction such as comments, re-shares and emojis, made by people you are close to. “If MSI is high, that means you’re not just a zombie passively scrolling and watching videos. You’re interacting, you’re engaged,” said ‘The Journal,’ podcast host Ryan Knuston. But this type of algorithm, according to Facebook’s Civic Team,  turned out to be fueling misinformation and toxic content.” After an extensive review, the Civic Team along with the Integrity Team proposed solutions. Fast forward to 2021, Facebook is taking on a different direction. In a report by Axios, Facebook said they will “expand some of the News Feed tests that put less emphasis on certain engagement signals, like the probability that a user will share or comment on a post. Instead it will begin placing a higher emphasis on other types of user feedback like responses to surveys.”

  1. Digital Audio Advertising and Audio Content 

According to a data report by InterDigital, video streaming will make up 82 percent of all internet traffic by 2022. This could allow a gateway for audio content in the upcoming year. Most people, according to experts, gather information through podcasts, streaming music or audiobooks. “50% of millennials and Gen Z listen to digital content while cooking, cleaning and other similar activities,” suggests a Hearst report. The article also suggests advertisers are following the trend, especially for direct-to-consumer brands that are popular on podcasts. According to Adam Pattison, UK Country Manager for Targetspot, “we don’t need to wait for the next big thing.” He says, “the future of audio is now – and it could well be visual.”

  1. Nostalgia 

It’s not just a TikTok influencer sporting those acid wash jeans you probably wore in 1994 or a song you were rocking to in 2004 on your iPod, nostalgia is a major trend we will probably see in 2022. According to an article by Advertising Week, “nostalgia can make humans more optimistic and have a positive influence on their actions. The report goes on to say that, “nostalgia was a highly common emotion. Results show that 8 in 10 say that they experience feelings of nostalgia at least occasionally and 4 in 10 say they do so often.” Research suggests that music was the biggest nostalgia trigger. Experts say when it comes to marketing, reintroducing images and themes from brands can help consumers think of the ‘good old days.”

  1. Typography

Get ready to see exaggerated letters with sharp angles, color and vibrancy in 2022. That’s according to Chris Algar, a senior designer at Design Bridge London, who believes 2022 will be the year for type due to streaming services.”Title sequences viewed across streaming platforms during lockdown will have most certainly inspired designers, from people binge-watching Killing Eve to more recently Squid Game. Both take very different approaches to typography but are linked through their captivating movement and amplified personalities,” he told the Creative Boom. 


Blog Industry Trends

TikTok’s Integration into the Recruitment Industry

TikTok was the world’s most downloaded app in 2020. Since then, its prevalence within society has only grown. It has affected the music industry, food industry, fitness industry, and more. As TikTok continues to grow in popularity, creators are actively finding ways to enhance the platform’s utility and integrate it further into our lives.

Recently, this was achieved through the launch of “TikTok Resumes,” a pilot program designed to establish TikTok as a channel for recruitment and job discovery. Since many users were already using TikTok as a way to both give and find advice on things such as interviewing and resume writing, creators decided to build on this career-related angle. 

TikTok partnered with select, sought-after companies such as Target and Chipotle, encouraging job seekers to apply for open positions via creative video resumes showcasing their skill sets and experiences. According to TikTok, over 800 videos were submitted during just the first 48 hours of the program launch.

While the initiative received abundant praise, with individuals stating that it allows applicants to display their personalities in ways a paper resume couldn’t, others are questioning the fairness of this job application method. For example, Bloomberg published an article raising concerns surrounding the rising popularity of visual resumes:

  • Video resumes “open the door” to appearance-based discrimination due to the decreased anonymity of applicants. 
  • Low-income individuals with limited access to technology and older generations who aren’t as well-versed in technology are both at a disadvantage from creating these sorts of videos. 

Contenders argue that the “playing field” in the job market has never been completely equal to begin with.

What do you think about video resumes being the potential future of job recruiting? Although the continuation of the “TikTok Resumes” program has yet to be determined, it is important that we stay on top of how technology is increasingly affecting our industries and our world. 


Do you or your business need help navigating the evolving world of social media? Contact us today. We’re just one call, like, follow, retweet, and DM away!


Blog Industry Trends Noisy Trumpet Social Media

How Noisy Trumpet is Staying Ahead of the Curve

At Noisy Trumpet, we work diligently to provide the best customer service and top-tier public relations and digital marketing solutions. As we continue to elevate the quality of work we provide, we also understand the necessity of keeping a pulse on the world around us. That is where our “Trends Watch” team comes into play. This is a newly developed internal team that several Noisy Trumpeters volunteered to participate in.

The premise of the group is for each member to focus on their own distinct category/topic of interest, gather information/images/videos of what the trend is, and then share it with the larger Noisy Trumpet team. We’ve found that while presenting these trends to the team, this sparks conversation and facilitates the brainstorming process on how we can incorporate these trends into our client work. We understand the importance of being a well-rounded agency, and the “Trends Watch” team is another tool that we will utilize to provide the superior support that we are recognized for, and our clients expect. Check out some of our favorite trends below:

Allow us to assist your company in staying on top of what’s happening in the public relations, digital marketing world, and beyond! Would you like to connect with us? Contact us today. We’re just one call, like, follow, retweet or DM away!

Blog Industry Trends Noisy Trumpet

Trending at Noisy Trumpet

Noisy Trumpet is moving into March with some exciting news! We are happy to announce our new client, J. Philippus Art Studio & Gallery, a local teaching art studio and gallery. Noisy Trumpet will oversee their digital marketing and public relations needs. Specifically, a brand refresh, website development and digital advertising efforts. We look forward to this new partnership, and can’t wait to show you all the great things we have in store! In the meantime, check out the new logo we’ve created.

March is also National Reading Month. In celebration, our client SA YES is unveiling THREE “Little Lockers” this month. These “Little Lockers” will provide art supplies and outdoor activities in the summer, and books on a variety of topics throughout the school year in South San ISD, Edgewood ISD, and Del Valle ISD. Stay tuned for photos of the unveilings to be featured on our upcoming blog!

In addition, our client Thomas J. Henry recently launched the “Keep Texas Safe” campaign which brings to light and opposes two new proposed bills (HB 19 and SB 207). If passed, these two bills will infringe on Texans’ constitutional right to a fair personal injury trial, and make Texas roads more dangerous for drivers. Since Monday, March 8, 3,000 constituents have signed a petition against the bills on In support of the campaign, Noisy Trumpet assisted with media relations, coordination and monitoring. To date, the campaign has secured 40 broadcast and online media hits, resulting in over 55.5M impressions. To learn more about the “Keep Texas Safe” campaign please visit: 

Do you or your company have a project Noisy Trumpet can assist with, or do you want to stay informed on our latest agency trends? Contact us today. We’re just one call, like, follow, retweet, and DM away!

Advertising Blog Industry Trends Social Media Web

10 Marketing Resolutions to Make 2021 a Success

We’ve said our goodbyes to 2020 and we’re welcoming the new year with high hopes! Now is the perfect time for businesses to set new goals and resolutions that will take them to the next level. To help, Noisy Trumpet has compiled a list of resolutions we recommend you follow to enhance your strengths and maximize results.

  1. Stay up to date with the latest industry trends
    The marketing world changes every day. We recommend reading the latest books/articles published in the field, attending webinars/training, and connecting with fellow industry experts. (Hint: You don’t have to go too far! Hit like on our social pages, or send us a message to chat.)
  2. Embrace the art of delegation
    It’s important to recognize that one person alone can’t, and should not, do everything. Build trust with your team and allow them to use their skills to support you. Delegation is key to a healthy work-life balance.
  3. Maintain consistency
    If you’re planning an event, campaign, or any initiative, make a calendar plan and stick to it. The deadlines you set for yourself will be the key to your success. Working with an agency or partner will help keep you accountable.
  4. Push the boundaries of your PR strategy
    We speak from experience. Noisy Trumpet is always looking for new, exciting thought leadership opportunities for our clients outside of the traditional PR tactics. Taking the risk has always led to amazing results.
  5. Refresh your website design
    Every website should be updated at least every 3-4 years to keep up with the latest website, tech, and SEO trends. If you aren’t sure what areas need improvement, a quick website audit from an expert web team, like our own, can help you gauge the time, cost, and effort needed.
  6. Reevaluate your investment in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
    It’s time to ask: Are you reaching the right audience with a Google Search campaign? What’s changed with the keywords and searches people are using? Work with a top-rated Google Ads Partner like Noisy Trumpet if you’re not sure where to start.
  7. Dive into new social media trends
    There’s always something new and fun on social media. Test out as many trends as you can in 2021! Who knows, you could go viral.
  8. Explore new advertising platforms and tools
    There are many avenues to push your message through advertising. Don’t be afraid to try new advertising platforms like CTV, Spotify, Snapchat, and many more, that could better align strategically with your campaigns and goals.
  9. Continue to support each of your team members
    We like to believe our Noisy Trumpet team is proof we are stronger together. Open the lines of communication within and outside your marketing team. When your entire business supports each other and communicates, you will not only work harmoniously but also produce maximum results.
  10. Give back to the community
    Make deeper connections with the community you serve by giving back to the nonprofits that do so much for our city. You’ll find oftentimes your actions are rewarded with well-deserved recognition.

What are your digital marketing resolutions for the new year?

Noisy Trumpet is a San Antonio-based, digital marketing and public relations agency with the skills and expertise to help you not only strategize your resolutions but also keep them. Send us a message to start planning your success.

Blog Industry Trends Public Relations Social Media

How to Navigate COVID-19’s Media Shift

The spread of COVID-19 is having a major impact across all industries in San Antonio and across the globe. While we have not experienced a crisis exactly like the coronavirus in recent history, we have persevered through other crises that led to heightened levels of anxiety.

Noisy Trumpet understands the situation companies are in during these unprecedented, uncertain times. The marketplace has changed dramatically and consumer behaviors are evolving. During this crisis, Noisy Trumpet is helping clients navigate the changing marketplace and continue to connect with their target audiences through a variety of digital marketing and PR tactics so that they can continue to thrive despite “the new normal.”

Consumer Behaviors and Media is Shifting; Your Marketing Strategy Should Too

With much of the workforce now working from home, there have been major changes in media consumption habits. People are spending more time on digital channels than ever before. These changes include:

  • A 200% increase in Connected TV (CTV) consumption since March 1st, 2020.
  • 80% of consumers say they consume more content since the outbreak.
  • 60% of consumers who are staying indoors are also watching films, news, and general programming via connected devices.
  • Audiences at home are consuming media at a 60% higher rate.
  • 44% of consumers say they are spending longer time on social media.
  • There has been an 18% increase in total ad call volume compared to March 2019.
  • Email open rates have risen by up to 25% week-on-week in retail.
  • CTV news viewership has increased nearly 50% since the outbreak began.

This change in media consumption presents a unique opportunity to tap into digital marketing and PR tactics while users’ attention is captured. From PR campaigns and content creation to social media and digital advertising, Noisy Trumpet specializes in creating powerful marketing solutions that drive results for our clients. We are monitoring these changing trends to help our clients create a road map to success.

To help your company navigate through these challenging times, below are five tips to incorporate into your marketing strategy in light of  COVID-19.

1. Stay Positive

For many of us, this is a time of unease with the coronavirus and news changing rapidly. It is important to stay positive, not just for your own wellbeing but also for your brand. Brands who continue to be a resource and produce positive content are able to cultivate loyal customers. This crisis will end, and when it does, it is important that consumers see your brand as one that was present and supportive during the difficult times. Be honest and genuine in your communication. Highlight your community presence – more than ever consumers want to purchase from philanthropic companies who are giving back to their communities.

Noisy Trumpet supports the San Antonio Food Bank

2. Keep your Brand Presence

Some companies may feel the pull of economic pressures and decide to cut their marketing and communications budgets. This is unfortunate since now more than ever, audiences are house-bound and consuming media at rapid rates. Even if you have to pivot your messaging from earlier plans, keep up your brand presence across all channels and mediums.

Influencer Marketing Hub surveyed 35,000 consumers about their views on brands advertising through the COVID-19 crisis. Only 8% thought brands should stop advertising. However, your messaging should pivot with the changing times. Re-brand materials with a softer, more positive message that shows your connection to the community. 75% of consumers think brands should inform people of what they’re doing, but keep in mind 74% think companies should not exploit the situation. Use this time to strengthen brand awareness by providing your community with online resources and content. Ignite genuine conversations with your consumers. We’re seeing clients support their consumers by sending personalized video messages, providing at-home workouts, and much more – even if it doesn’t contribute to the bottom line right now. When this time is over, consumers will remember the brands that sustained communication and showed empathy during this difficult time.

Noisy Trumpet assists SA YES in providing resources for at-home learning

3. Think Outside the Box

Social behaviors have changed and right now that is ok. Because large gatherings and special events are not possible, we have seen cancelations of major events such as South by Southwest, nonprofit galas, and even the postponing of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. These cancelations can be devastating to the organizers and attendees alike. We encourage organizers to think outside the box and find ways to keep your audience connected. If customers can’t come to you, bring your service or product to them digitally. Rely on digital marketing to help create an online alternative that will engage your customer base and keep your company on the forefront. This could include tactics like leaning more heavily on e-commerce storefronts and virtual events.

During this crisis, Noisy Trumpet has been able to help one of our nonprofit clients shift from a 1,000-guest gala to an online auction. The nonprofit depends on donations raised at their annual event to support their operating budget for the rest of the year. Through digital marketing, Noisy Trumpet was able to promote the online auction and secure over 90% of the donations they typically receive at their in-person event – at significantly less cost to them. 

Noisy Trumpet helped transition San Antonio Sport’s Hall of Fame Tribute to an Online Mega Auction

4. Email and Post it – Engage your Audience

The cadence of consumer lives has changed. In the past, digital research could tell you the best days and times to send certain correspondence. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, consumers’ days are not as scheduled – people are checking emails and social media accounts at all hours of the day. We encourage companies to continue sending e-blasts and keep customers engaged. People have more time on their hands right now and email open rates have increased up to 25%, with daily email open rates generally increasing by 5-10% each week.

Social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have seen a rise in usage as well. People are using social media to help them stay connected with family and friends, get news updates, and consume entertainment. Viewership is at an all-time high and yet, according to Influencer Marketing Hub, 74% of brands are posting less on their company’s social accounts. Don’t hesitate to engage your audience on social media! Post relevant information, use video and make it personal. Involve your audience in polls, highlight the best local take-out, or ways you are paying it forward.

Now more than ever, your audience wants to see that we are all living a shared experience. They have the time to read your emails and content so email and post it.

Noisy Trumpet supports Olympia Hills Golf & Event Center’s Family Meals To-Go

5. Now is the Time

If your company has not yet taken the leap into the digital field, now is the time.

Audience and attention rates are at an all-time high. Time online – including online shopping – is increasing. Now is the time to help users find your products and services and to choose your company over competitors by getting your name out there. But you can’t do that if your social presence is lacking or your website is hard to find, outdated, or nonexistent.

If you have a digital presence, now is the time to step up your marketing efforts.

Remind consumers why your product and services are still relevant and needed. Even though times are constantly changing, your business is still important and your customers are restless at home. Keep up your SEO strategy by continuing to post relevant content. When normalcy resumes you want to make sure you are still at the top of Google’s SERPs. Take it a step further and do an SEO audit to make sure your strategy is still applicable.

Talk to your agency about expanding to newer advertising options like Connected TV (CTV) and Over-the-Top (OTT). CTV and OTT provide users a different way to watch TV across multiple types of screens with no cable or satellite subscription required (like Apple TV, Roku etc.). Currently, consumers are seeking digital entertainment options and streaming services. From March 16th through the 22nd, viewers spent about 40% more time streaming both ad-supported and subscription TV compared to the previous week, according to data from Vizio Inc. CTV and OTT are able to align your brand with a highly engaged audience based on their consumption habits.

We’re Here to Help

Changes in media consumption can be daunting for all businesses. Regardless of how your company has been affected, you may have questions or need support. Noisy Trumpet has always been a community first agency and we are here to help you navigate these new media trends and help your company bounce back. Please email us at or call 210-582-0505.

Blog Industry Trends

How Noisy Trumpet is Embracing the New Normal

Today’s current climate has affected all of our clients differently, but Noisy Trumpet has remained a constant resource for any support or service they may need. As a result of precautions set forth by the impact of COVID-19, the Noisy Trumpet team is currently working remotely and is well equipped with the necessary tools and resources to make the transition as seamless as possible.

The agency remains open, fully operational, and present for new and existing clients. In order to keep consistent communication and team morale at the forefront, our team is participating in weekly video conferencing calls that help provide a sense of connectivity from remote locations. In addition, we are staying abreast of the latest industry trends by participating in webinars, reading trade publications, and sharing useful resources with one another. We are using this time to re-examine our current marketing assets and collateral while honing our skills to better serve our clients’ needs.

Ultimately, we’ve pivoted several of our public relations and digital initiatives, tailoring our efforts to best serve our clients in whatever capacity that may be. Here are some of the ways Noisy Trumpet is continuing to deliver exceptional services with measurable results:

Olympia Hills Golf & Event Center

Located just outside of San Antonio, Texas, Olympia Hills is recognized as one of the best golf and event venues in the area. Initially, Noisy Trumpet was tasked with a public relations push focused around the venue’s golf operations. As a result of COVID-19, the course was shut down indefinitely, and we quickly shifted our focus to capitalize on areas of the venue that were still operational, namely their dining offerings. Olympia Hills is providing Family Meals To-Go to better serve their community through carryout dining options and free delivery service to senior citizens. Noisy Trumpet is supporting these initiatives through social media promotion and traditional media outreach while identifying curbside and to-go forums to highlight Olympia Hills’ new services. The venue has also partnered with the “Pharm 2 Table” fundraiser, an initiative started by a friend of Olympia Hills, Jeff Harrison. The initiative is raising funds to supply family-style meals to first responders free of charge to thank them for their service.

Family Meals To-Go provided by Olympia Hills Golf & Event Center

San Antonio Sports

San Antonio Sports is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to transform the community through the power of sport. San Antonio Sports’ “Hall of Fame Tribute,” the organization’s largest annual fundraiser, set for March 28 was canceled and postponed to February 2021. The event attracts over 1,000 attendees and secures more than $400,000 worth of auction items. With our help, San Antonio Sports successfully transitioned to an online mega auction with hundreds of items to bid on including sports collectibles, gift cards, travel packages, and more. In addition, Noisy Trumpet is supporting San Antonio Sports’ i play! afterschool program, which ignites a love of sport in 3rd through 5th graders, while teaching them life lessons about active living, good nutrition, and strong personal character. The program currently serves 1,450 children in 58 elementary schools in San Antonio. Although the program is at a halt, San Antonio Sports is continuing to provide sports and fitness opportunities for children by sharing resources for them to stay active and healthy at home. To support this mission, Noisy Trumpet developed a special “Stay Active, Stay Healthy” coloring sheet and infographic to help keep kids moving during quarantine, and has connected with local media outlets to share this initiative. On social media, we’re asking influencers to post a video of them exercising or re-post the infographic with the hashtag #iStayActive.

San Antonio Sports and i play! afterschool present “Stay Active. Stay Healthy.”


SA YES is a nonprofit organization with a simple purpose: to provide free school supplies to Title 1 elementary students that need assistance. During this unprecedented time, SA YES is continuing to work diligently on securing resources and supplies for students. Unfortunately, their two largest annual events, the Taste of Education Dinner and Golf Classic Tournament have been canceled, which represents over 51 percent? of their budget. SA YES has shifted their focus to the immediate needs of the audience they proudly serve, the children. Our team is supporting SA YES by helping them compile a list of at-home resources for parents and children to help sustain education during this time. We have also developed the following interactive challenges to keep students active while maintaining social distancing:

Sidewalk Chalk Challenge

  • Kids are encouraged to go outside and draw or write
    words of encouragement on the sidewalk with chalk.
  • With parental permission, post photos of the artwork on Twitter @SAYES_ORG or Facebook @SAYESORG using the #sidewalkchalkchallenge

Kids Coloring Challenge

  • Kids are encouraged to draw their favorite subject in
    school, sport, favorite book character, or a picture of you and your best friend.
  • With parental permission, post photos of the artwork
    on Twitter @SAYES_ORG or Facebook @SAYESORG using the #SAYESColoringChallenge.

SA YES Sidewalk Chalk Challenge

Let our expertise keep your business at the forefront, no matter the climate.
Contact or stay social with us! We’re just
one call, like, follow, retweet, and DM away.

Blog Industry Trends

COVID-19’s Impact on Local Nonprofits

COVID-19 has significantly affected nonprofit organizations in various ways, presenting them with unique, unprecedented challenges. For many, this includes the cancelation of annual fundraising events which leaves these organizations without the necessary funding to support their mission. Noisy Trumpet is a community first agency and values the positive impact nonprofits make. We have provided ways you can support a few of the nonprofits we proudly work
with so that they can continue to serve and strengthen our community.

San Antonio Sports

San Antonio Sports has been working to transform
our community through the power of sport for many years by providing free sports
and fitness programs that inspire children and their families to live active, healthy lives. The annual “Hall of
Fame Tribute,” their largest fundraising event, has been canceled and transitioned to an online auction with plenty
of exciting items to choose from including gift cards, sports collectibles, trips and much more. To support
the i play! afterschool program and the children they serve, participate in their online mega auction that is open now through April 3, or simply donate at


SA YES, the largest distributor of school supplies in South Texas, supports Title 1 elementary school students in San Antonio through educational
outreach of free school supplies and technology grants. Their annual Taste of Education and Golf Classic, which represented a large portion of their annual budget, has been canceled. To help ensure that SA YES can assist students who will be in need of school supplies in the
coming school year, donate online by visiting Also, be sure to check
out their list of online resources and ideas to help continue your child’s education at home at

Devils River Conservancy

The Devils River Conservancy (DRC) is
committed to treasuring, preserving and protecting the Devils River, its springs, and the lands within its water
catchment area. The DRC recently launched the Devils River Advocate Membership Program that allows you to support their conservation efforts while
enjoying exclusive membership benefits such as discounted apparel, exclusive event invitations, discounts to select partners and much more. Sign up
and become a member today or visit their donation page to contribute to their mission.

Robin Hood 210

Robin Hood 210 is a community initiative of
Noisy Trumpet. This online marketplace sells gift cards and merchandise, all proceeds directly support nonprofit organizations
in the San Antonio area. The next campaign will launch in May 2020 benefiting the Brighton Center, an organization that
provides developmental and educational services to children of all abilities here in San Antonio. Be sure to follow Robin Hood 210’s
Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram for important

Noisy Trumpet continues to support our clients during this difficult time and looks forward to interacting with our community once again.
To expand your mission, contact us today. We’re just one call, like, follow, retweet, and DM away!