Blog Noisy Trumpet

Noisy Trumpet Communications: More Than Just Digital & PR

In 2024, Noisy Trumpet is taking a step forward by redefining and expanding our scope of services to meet our clients’ ever evolving needs. Our firm has grown tremendously over the past five years, leading to a natural progression for the agency to rebrand itself as Noisy Trumpet Communications. 

The transformation is not just a change in name, but a strategic move to provide our clients with a broader spectrum of services that cater to the growing needs of businesses and organizations in the modern communications landscape. 

Noisy Trumpet will officially broaden its portfolio of services to now include traditional advertising, creative development and branding alongside our current service offerings of digital marketing, public relations, web and UX design, and social media management.

“This was a natural business progression for the agency. With our rapid growth over the past five years and compelling client successes driving the need for expanded services, the time was right to add traditional media, creative and branding services to our mix of client offerings,” stated Fran Yanity, CEO/Founder. “We expanded our office space footprint over a year ago, nearly doubling in size. With the growing staff and increasing diversity of clients with broad marketing needs, it made sense for our name to reflect the work we were already doing,” finished Yanity.

To learn more about Noisy Trumpet Communications and how we can help your company, please visit us at or follow us on Instagram, Facebook, X, TikTok & LinkedIn.

Noisy Trumpet Public Relations

How To Use Storytelling in Nonprofit Fundraising to Connect with Donors and Supporters

Nonprofit organizations face many challenges such as sustainability concerns and dependency on external financial support, when compared to other businesses. In order to secure a consistent revenue and donation stream, donors and supporters must be connected to the mission and values of the organization.

How do you build that connection and drive support? Creative storytelling.

Crafting effective nonprofit messaging is a powerful means to captivate and convey the essence of an organization’s mission and overall impact.

In the context of nonprofits, donors and supporters identify an existing connection with the mission and values of the organization. They are inherently invested in the cause, making them a receptive audience ready to be engaged through compelling narratives.

Why storytelling matters in nonprofit fundraising:

  • Emotional connection – well-crafted stories help create a personal connection with your target audience which allows them to better understand the mission. These emotional connections enable audiences to gravitate toward your messaging and supporting the cause. All nonprofits are defined by a niche mission that brings awareness to a cause. Because of this, meaningful storytelling impacts a person’s decision to further commit to the organization’s cause and mission.
  • Memorable moments – the average reader tends to remember stories rather than facts and figures. A thorough and visually appealing message ensures that the cause stays in the donor’s and supporter’s mind.
  • Inspires actions – stories motivate donors and supporters of the cause to take action. The narrative arc can inspire commitment and long-term support.

Tactics for compelling nonprofit storytelling:

  • Be Authentic – audiences are prone to media in their day-to-day life. Being authentic creates a genuine connection between the nonprofit and its donors. Utilizing strategic public relations tactics helps make meaningful connections that drive the authentic quality of the organization’s mission and values.
  • Create relevancy – Tailor stories to resonate with your primary audience and create an open connection to secondary audiences. Continue to highlight aspects of your mission and impact that aligns with the donor’s values. Incorporate trending topics on social media to reach a broader audience helps drive analytical data to expand the relevancy of an organization.
  • Call to Action – Highlight the collective impact achieved through contributions and support from donors. Continue to encourage ongoing engagement by inviting external audiences to connect through newsletters, social channels, and events.


If you are in need of impactful storytelling to build awareness around your organization, contact us today!

Advertising Blog Noisy Trumpet

Why UX Design Should be a Priority in Digital Marketing

What Is UX Design? 

UX stands for “user experience” and is defined as a user’s journey when interacting with a product or service. UX design is the process of designing a product or service (often a website) with the user’s experience and needs in mind. 

It may seem that UX design only applies to the creation of a website but the reality is that a digital marketing campaign can be impacted by the success or failure of a user’s overall experience with the product or service’s website. A Google Search or Meta ad may be perfectly designed and targeted, but if the user lands on a poorly designed website after clicking on the ad, they’re not likely to convert. 

How UX Design and Digital Marketing Intersect 

During the digital marketing sales funnel, digital advertising serves as the “lead generation” tool, generating awareness through content marketing, SEO, social media, paid advertising and public relations. The goal of digital marketing is to direct the leads garnered from the campaign to a client’s website and generate conversions in the form of website traffic, contact form submissions, adds to cart, and sales. If users spend less than 1 minute on the landing page, the functionality of the site might be to blame. This is where the importance of proper UX research and design comes into play. 

To improve the number of website conversions, a UX designer may conduct a survey to gather information directly from the users about their experience on the site and it’s accessibility. UX research can also evaluate the site for accessibility among the visually impaired, mobile responsiveness, and how easily the site is to navigate across devices, funnel pathways and consistency in branding. Based upon their research, the UX designer would then revise the site or landing page design to address any issues found that negatively impact the user experience and may impede their path to the desired conversion action. 

Solutions could include:

  • Reducing the number of fields within a form to reduce time spent typing information 
  • Easy to navigate website navigation
  • Implementing Apple Pay or quick transaction methods
  • Strong CTAs within buttons
  • Easy to navigate mobile designs – buttons are located in places the thumb can reach when holding a mobile device
  • Lead gen forms located above the fold
  • And so much more! 

Thoughtful UX Design improves digital marketing campaign performance and conversions!

The Importance of Refinement and Optimization

Enhancing a customer’s journey leads to a positive impact on conversion rates and a greater likelihood of returning customers. As marketing continues to evolve, it is essential to continually evaluate your existing landing page or website for refinement opportunities and optimizations. This could include analyzing the bounce rate and abandonment rate during each digital campaign. 

At Noisy Trumpet, we look holistically at each campaign to ensure that all necessary recommendations are made to improve performance and ensure that your advertising dollars are never wasted. Our team specializes in all areas of digital advertising and website design & development and is ready to help take your campaign to the next level. 

Visit our website to learn more about UX Design and Noisy Trumpet’s digital advertising capabilities. 

Blog Noisy Trumpet

From Recognition to Results: Noisy Trumpet’s Award-Winning Successes in July

It was a busy July for Noisy Trumpet as our agency received several awards and recognition for our exceptional client work! These awards not only highlight our expertise in marketing, but also showcase the outcomes we generate for our nonprofit clients and how we help them achieve their goals. 


Noisy Trumpet has had the honor of receiving five awards, highlighting our clients’ impactful work in the community. We are proud of our team and their role in helping them achieve the following results:

DotComm Awards Gold Winner 2023 – Caverns of Sonora (Website – Travel)

Our approach to web design and user experience has earned us recognition in the Website Travel category for Caverns of Sonora. The Caverns of Sonora are recognized worldwide for being one of the most beautiful and unique cave systems. 

Our web team helped present details for visitors in a user-friendly manner and drive traffic to the spring break landing page. The new website features a ticket purchasing section, lodging options, activities, and user testimonials. By using HTML5 and CSS, the site provides accessibility and SEO optimization. 

DotComm Awards Honorable Mention 2023 – Texas HoldEm (Website Creativity – Website Design)

Texas Hold ‘Em San Antonio organizes charitable poker tournaments each year to support fundraising efforts for several local nonprofits. 

The headless WordPress stack has enhanced the website’s appearance and performance, in order to drive event ticket sales. In addition to this, our team also added new content to the website to educate site visitors and boosted SEO rankings. 

Nonprofit Communication Awards – TEXAS YES (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Communications)

TEXAS YES is an educational nonprofit committed to boosting educational equality across Texas through programs such as Box of Dreams. This award category honors efforts that work towards diversity, equity, and inclusion, among staff and communities. 

We helped spread the word about the Box of Dreams initiative using social media, print, broadcast, and digital ads. 

Nonprofit Communication Awards – Blue Cares (Community-Nonprofit Partnership)

The Nonprofit Communication Award for Community-Nonprofit Partnership is presented to nonprofits that create an impact by collaborating with their community, through either fundraising efforts or local partnerships, aimed at driving change. Noisy Trumpet played a pivotal role in assisting Blue Cares in achieving this objective and reinforcing their mission. 

Blue Cares, the community outreach arm of the San Antonio Police Officers Association, identified community gaps in providing essential supplies to the homeless and at-risk during duty. Noisy Trumpet created a media-focused strategy for their “We Care Kits” campaign, showcasing SAPD’s local impact in the city.

DotComm Awards Honorable Mention 2023 – God’s Dogs Rescue (Website – Nonprofit)

The website we designed for Our work on the God’s Dogs Rescue website created a visually appealing platform that features an updated brand look to helps promote their mission to rescue and foster pets in San Antonio, drive donations, and help them find “furever” homes. 

Utilizing the headless WordPress stack, it’s allowed us to not only enhance website design creative but also optimize performance. By rewriting copy for clarity and SEO, we’ve created better user experiences while generating better search engine rankings. 

Web Marketing Association’s Non-Profit Standard of Excellence 2023 – Puppy Food Bank

The website we designed and built for Puppy Food Bank, recently won the Non-Profit Standard of Excellence 2023 Award by the Web Marketing Association. Since 1997, the judges for the WebAward competition have held themselves to a high standard when reviewing website developments.

Puppy Food Bank is an online pet food bank that helps provide quality food to local pet rescues in San Antonio, Austin, Corpus Christi, Dallas, and Fort Worth. Our team has helped increase their efforts by putting together impactful fundraisers such as their Puppy Love Charity Auction, Pledge Month, and Puppy Yoga! We also designed the Puppy Food Bank website to be user-friendly and help boost SEO rankings.

We’re proud of the impact we’ve made through these award-winning initiatives. Our team continues to keep delivering results for our clients. 

If your business or nonprofit is interested in learning more about the services we offer, contact us today and our team will be happy to assist!

Blog Noisy Trumpet

Leveraging Ethical AI for Effective Marketing Strategies

In today’s digitally-driven world, marketing and advertising have become more sophisticated and complex than ever, especially with Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is a groundbreaking technology that has revolutionized various industries, including marketing and advertising. However, it is crucial to emphasize that AI’s potential lies not only in its capabilities but also in its ethical implementation. 

What is Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence is the advancement of computer systems capable of carrying out tasks that would typically require human intelligence to accomplish. It involves creating algorithms and models that can process and analyze large amounts of data to recognize patterns, make predictions, and take actions based on those predictions.

What Artificial Intelligence is NOT:

Artificial Intelligence is not a replacement for humans. Although AI systems help execute specific tasks with remarkable efficiency, they are deficient in the broader cognitive abilities and conscious awareness associated with human intelligence. AI operates based on algorithms, data, and predefined rules, rather than subjective experiences, emotions, and critical thinking. Consequently, AI lacks contextual comprehension and critical decision-making skills essential for successful marketing. For example, blogs, infographics or social media posts are developed based on information available on the internet rather than true creativity or first-hand knowledge of the client and subject matter, resulting in potentially inaccurate or plagiarized content. 

How is AI Beneficial for Marketing?

Customer Segmentation and Targeting

AI empowers marketers by analyzing big data to uncover patterns and gain insights about their audience. Using machine learning algorithms, AI can segment customers based on demographics, behavior, interests, and preferences. Marketers can then create targeted campaigns tailored to specific segments, resulting in increased engagements and conversions.

Google Performance Max

Google Performance Max is an AI-driven advertising solution that uses algorithms to optimize campaign performance in real time. It allows marketers to reach potential customers on multiple platforms such as Search, Display, YouTube, and Discover. By targeting the most relevant audience based on intent and behavior, Performance Max helps maximize ad spend by allocating budgets to high-performing placements and targeting strategies. According to Google’s marketing research team, advertisers who use Performance Max campaigns achieve on average over 18% more conversions at a similar cost per action.

Predictive Analytics

AI-driven predictive analytics allows marketers to make data-driven decisions and anticipate customer behavior. By analyzing historical data, AI algorithms can identify trends, patterns, and correlations that humans might miss. This enables marketers to predict customer preferences, optimize marketing campaigns and allocate resources effectively.

Personalization and Recommendation Engines

AI-driven recommendation engines provide customized product suggestions, content recommendations, and tailored offerings based on individual preferences and browsing history. This high level of personalization improves customer engagement, satisfaction, and conversions leading to stronger brand loyalty and lasting relationships.

Leveraging AI Ethically: 

  • It is imperative to prioritize transparency and accountability in AI development, clearly communicating to customers when AI technologies are being used in marketing campaigns or customer interactions.
  • Regularly assess and mitigate biases in AI algorithms and models to avoid discriminatory targeting or content delivery practices.
  • Implement robust data privacy and security measures to protect individuals’ personal information.
  • Ensure that AI systems are trained on accurate and reliable data to avoid spreading false or misleading information. While humans developing content have the ability to assess whether something is real or not, machines may propagate misinformation if not properly guided and monitored. 
  • Stay updated on evolving ethical standards and best practices in AI marketing and adjust strategies accordingly.

By utilizing AI in an ethical way, marketers can leverage its potential to drive business growth while prioritizing customer satisfaction and privacy. If your business has any questions about how to implement AI into your marketing strategy and would like guidance on best practices, contact us today and our team will be happy to assist!

Blog Noisy Trumpet

Agency Increases Nonprofit Donation to Break Record Fundraising Amount

By: Fran Freeland Yanity

I love having a positive impact on society and those around me.

To be able to work in a business environment that shares this belief is a true blessing.

As the nonprofit spring fundraising season comes to a close, I am grateful for being part of the Noisy Trumpet and PM Group family of companies that give so much back to our community.

For the past few months, I have had the honor to serve as chair for JDRF’s “Fund A Cure” efforts in San Antonio helping raise funds to cure, prevent, and treat Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and its complications. Thanks to the incredible team supporting the effort, the 2023 Promise Ball and Golf Tournament raised over $1.4M with a net of $978,457.92. It was a record-breaking year for fundraising!

Following the successful event weekend, the JDRF Board gathered to review the incredible results. While we were immensely proud of the funds raised, we agreed that reaching $1 million net in research funds would further our mission tremendously – we were so close to breaking the record! Amidst the discussion, my business partner Bob Wills, asked if our companies could donate ANOTHER $25,000, on top of the $160,000 in sponsorships and “Fund A Cure” donations we already committed, so that JDRF could surpass this goal. The suggestion was met with complete awe – the room was blown away and erupted in tears and cheers. No one could remember the last time JDRF South Central Texas had raised over $1M net for research.

Achieving this milestone, however, is not just about a successful fundraising campaign – finding a cure is deeply important to me.

My family history with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) spans almost 100 years.

Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that can run in families with a genetic predisposition to it.

My grandfather, Charles Johnston Freeland, Jr., was diagnosed at the age of 16 in 1931. Even though he received cutting-edge care during The Great Depression at renown hospitals across the country from his home, so much was unknown about the management of this terrible disease. He passed away unexpectedly at the age of 57 in 1972, a big loss for our family.

Since that time, we’ve had a niece diagnosed with T1D, then our daughter, Leighton, was diagnosed on May 16, 2020, at the age of 11.  While my grandfather was diagnosed at the dawn of survivability of this disease, shortly after insulin was discovered, my daughter was diagnosed on the cusp of a cure thanks to JDRF.

Since its founding in 1970, JDRF has dramatically altered the trajectory of this awful disease for millions of people diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. From the artificial pancreas to the continuous glucose monitor (CGM), and stem cell research, JDRF has led the way in funding life-changing research.

JDRF is my personal passion project.

I am blessed to work for a group of companies that supports JDRF and is pushing for a cure as much as I am.



Based in San Antonio, Noisy Trumpet is an integrated digital marketing and public relations agency that leverages audience insights to craft messaging and creative that elevate brands as leaders across marketing channels. Founded in 2018, Noisy Trumpet helps clients identify new and relevant opportunities to engage and connect with their target audience through digital marketing and advertising, website development, social media management, and public relations.

Blog Industry Trends Noisy Trumpet Social Media

Micro-Influencers Take Over The Marketing World

Influencer campaigns have been trending for years in the marketing world. Recently, over 50% of marketers who invest in influencer marketing prefer to work with micro-influencers. Despite their relatively small audience size, studies have shown that micro-influencers consistently generate higher levels of engagement and traffic across various platforms compared to a majority of highly followed influencers. This could be attributed to the fact that although they are a public figure, they offer a more relatable connection with their followers.

It can be a challenge deciding what kind of influencer is best to partner with for your business which is why we’ve come up with a few key reasons micro-influencers could be the right fit for your marketing strategy.

What is a Micro-Influencer?

A micro-influencer has an active social presence and loyal following somewhere between 1,000-100,000 followers. Their role in the influencer world is that of a public figure and a smaller-scale, relatable individual that peak’s their audiences’ interest. Micro-influencers tend to be individuals who decide to make a living out of brand deals and digital promotion. Typically, their content concentrates on a specific topic, passion, or niche, positioning them as experts in their respective fields. About 47% of all creators are micro-influencers and generate up to 60% more engagement than macro-influencers. Whether a tech blogger or a traveling foodie, micro-influencers can tap into any industry and make a living out of it.

How Micro-Influencers Benefit You

Cost Effectiveness 

Because micro-influencers have a smaller following and overall audience reach on their social platforms, they charge less than a celebrity or macro-influencer. This not only saves money, but also allows your brand to hire several micro-influencers with their own unique following to showcase across multiple audiences what you have to offer. Working with multiple creators who have unique audiences ultimately helps to expand the company/brand’s reach.

Authenticity and Passion for Your Brand

Prominent influencers regularly promote a variety of brands and products – it’s difficult to trust whether their opinions are true. Micro-influencers tend to be more selective in their brand deals depending on their niche and what their tight-knit audience would be interested in. Micro-influencers have a reputation for being more authentic than larger-scale influencers. This is partly because they are engaged and present themselves as genuine people on social media. Because of their high engagement rate with followers, they tend to trust micro-influencers more in terms of recommendations and promotions.

Niche market

Most micro-influencers represent a niche market and are experts in their field. For example, followers may go to a micro-influencer for their expertise in thrift and vintage finds. A brand such as ThreadUp, an online thrift store, could then hire a micro-influencer to promote their line of clothing, knowing the influencer’s audience will trust their content related to this topic

This gives brands a higher chance of targeting the right audience since most likely their followers have a shared interest.

More consistent engagement rate

Despite what some may think, micro-influencers experience some of the highest engagement rates compared to other types of influencers out there. Although they are public figures on social media, they are also perceived as regular people. Unlike celebrities and mega-influencers, micro-influencers have more time to devote to responding to their followers and results in a consistent engagement rate.


Overall, micro-influencers have proven to be a popular choice among marketers. As influencer marketing continues to grow and evolve, micro-influencers are expected to remain a crucial part of successful digital marketing strategies. If you have any questions or want to learn more about micro-influencers and the benefit they can provide for your business, contact us today and our team will be happy to assist.

Blog Noisy Trumpet

From the Office of the President: Year End Update

As 2023 quickly approaches, I am reflecting on the amazing year that’s closing. Both The PM Group and Noisy Trumpet Digital & PR had terrific, record-setting years in terms of growth and revenue. We expanded our teams to accommodate this rapid growth and have worked hard to keep our teams engaged.

On The PM Group side, our clients’ businesses organically grew, with expansion into new markets and via competitive acquisition. Our Noisy Trumpet business grew through new client acquisition in multiple verticals. Marketing and advertising services have been exceptionally in demand during these uncertain economic times. From digital advertising to public relations, creative design and media driving promotions, all services increased this year. Results matter and businesses trust marketing agencies that deliver results.

Our teams have been a critical part of our success this year. This week we rewarded them with over $200,000 in bonuses. Those bonuses were on top of the $175,000 in bonuses paid during the year. In total, over $375,000 in bonuses were paid to our employees in 2022 for their hard work. We plan to continue our bonus programs in 2023. Great clients and employees are a blessing. I am so thankful for both.

With numerous new business proposals in the works for 2023, we don’t plan to slow down!

If your business is looking for marketing innovation, new creative ideas, or advertising agency support, we’d love to chat about the difference we can make in your business.

Blog Noisy Trumpet

Making Your Nonprofit Fundraising Efforts Be Heard with Noisy Trumpet

As we approach the end of the year, it may seem like the “season of giving” as many nonprofit fundraising campaigns are in full swing. However, an entire year of opportunities exists that you can take advantage of. Nonprofits should continually cultivate new donors throughout the year so that your organization has a steady stream of active supporters ready to donate when it comes time for annual giving campaigns or other major initiatives. We’re sharing some best practices for fundraising strategies so that your mission is heard by potential donors all year long in 2023!

Use digital advertisements to drive awareness about your organization.

Digital advertising is a great way to reach your target audience online. The goal is to get them excited about your cause and drive traffic to your website. The key is to use visual content—like photos or videos—so that people can easily understand and empathize with what is being requested of them. Make sure there’s a clear call to action so donors know exactly how they can help with their gift. Digital advertising is also a great tool because it allows you to measure how well your campaigns are working—whether they’re generating leads or driving traffic back to your website or landing page. Thus, optimizations can be made accordingly for continued improvement.

Design a mobile-friendly site with an optimized donation page to maximize traffic and donations.

Your nonprofit’s website is your most important donation tool, so make sure it looks great, is easily navigable, and is informative. Don’t forget to optimize the site for mobile users—more than half of all people who donate online use their phones or tablets instead of desktop computers. If your nonprofit’s website isn’t optimized for these users, you’ll be missing out on potential donors. Noisy Trumpet’s team of web developers can help you create a site that works well on all screen sizes and platforms, to ensure potential donors can easily donate from wherever they are accessing your website.

Leverage social media to engage your audience.

Social media is a great way to share information and make connections that raise awareness of your nonprofit and its mission. It’s a great way to engage with your audience, build trust, and create an online community around the organization. Additionally, it’s an easy tool for sharing stories that show off the good work your nonprofit is doing. Social media is essential for your organization because it improves your online presence while gaining valuable insights about your audience. It’s critical to be present on multiple platforms so that people can find you when they need you most. Noisy Trumpet’s creative Social Media Specialists are ready to unleash your organization’s full potential across any platform.

Email marketing is not dead.

The upward trend in social media usage and other digital connections with donors has led some nonprofits to abandon email. However, email remains an extremely effective way to reach donors and raise money. It’s the most cost-effective way to reach your donors, and it remains one of the best ways to communicate with them personally. That’s why our team of experts recommends keeping email marketing as part of your overall fundraising efforts—but you must have an impactful email strategy in place if you want yours to be successful.

It’s never too early to start planning for the end-of-year giving period. Your organization should prepare by developing a long-term fundraising strategy for the entire year. By planning ahead and using as many channels as possible, you can maximize your impact and ensure that everyone who wants to support your cause has an easy way of doing so come the end of the year. If you’re a nonprofit that wants to get your fundraising to reach potential donors, contact our team today!

Blog Noisy Trumpet

JDRF One Walk

Noisy Trumpet was out in the community this month supporting and participating in JDRF’s annual “One Walk.” Our team walked alongside a crowd of participants in the pursuit of raising funds for and heightening awareness of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), a disease that hits close to home for our Noisy Trumpet family. 

The Noisy Trumpet family was affected by T1D in May 2020 when our CEO, Fran Yanity’s daughter, received the diagnosis. Our company rapidly chose JDRF as its charity of choice in support of Leighton and the search for a cure. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes have increased by 30% in the US, and occurrences of the disease are more common in children and young adults. Although there are no vacation days from T1D and a cure has yet to be found, there continues to be overwhelming hope.

We’re so proud to have supported One Walk through the V1P sponsorship. As a part of our sponsorship, we held a festive breakfast with the theme “Be Heard”, where we had food, noise makers, props and more to help make noise in support of T1D awareness. Together, our team was able to raise $23,826 to help JDRF continue its mission of finding a cure for T1D.  However, our support of JDRF didn’t stop there. Noisy Trumpet’s public relations team secured media coverage in outlets such as News 4 San Antonio, FOX San Antonio, and KSAT to help raise awareness for the event and engage the community.

Our team remains grateful to work with an organization that we are passionate about, and to share in the efforts of achieving life-changing goals. To learn more about T1D or to support JDRF, visit